GXT-HP is a high performance synthetic lubricant for mechanical component subject to stressing condition: high wear, pressure and temperature. Its specific formula, containing graphene, is designed to reduce friction and protect moving parts.
Graphene is a new nano-material capable of forming a self-healing protective layer between the various mechanical components, providing protection from wear, humidity, dirt, combustion residual, rust and corrosion. Graphene ensures long-lasting protection and a superior lubrication process.
The graphene contained in GXT-HP forms a thin film that reduces the adhesion of dirt, keeping the surface cleaner and more lubricated, preventing mechanical failures or stops. The use of graphene improves mechanical performance, reduces wear, noise, vibration, and improves thermal conductivity.
GXT-HP it is suitable for any type of mechanical component compatible with synthetic lubricating oils.

26ml plastic bottle: 21,99 €
+ 7 € shipping cost
N.B. shipping on wednesday

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