One of the most important characteristic of a car lubricant is the acidity. A high acidity value negatively affects the oil pump and the entire car engine.  

A quality oil has low acidity value ​​and reduce the increase in acidity due to the chemical reactions that occur during its use.

The figure in the table show the acidity values ​​of the oil samples with and without #GXTLUBE. The base oil is a generic 5W-40, while the acidity values ​​are expressed as TAN1 (Total acid number).

5W-40 BASE OIL1,9
5W-40USED FOR 7600 km3,6
5W-40USED FOR 7700 km2,1

Several road tests are ongoing, both with cars and motorcycles, to evaluate the real advantage for the end user in various operating conditions.

[1]The test were performed according to the standard (ASTM D974-21), which allows to measure the acidity or basicity of synthetic and mineral oils through a colorimetric titration.

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